Kim Avery Coaching

Kim Avery on 10 Steps to a Business Plan that Succeeds – Podcast #49

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If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the prospect of writing a business plan, we’ve got the ten questions you need to create a business plan that works. Tune in to hear about the empirical evidence behind the process; and walk away knowing how accountability, commitment, and goal-setting will help you craft and live out your plan!

Kim Avery 10 steps

Have these 10 questions handy as you listen:
1. What is your five-year business goal?

2. What would achieving that bring you?

3. What are your specific business objective(s) for the next 90 days?

4. How will you celebrate achieving this goal(s)?

5. Where are you now?

6. For the next 90 days, what are the monthly milestones you will meet?

7. What specific action steps you will take towards your 90-day goal(s)?

8. What specific action steps will you take this week?

9. How will you keep your vision and your goal in front of you day after day?

10. What one step you will take today to commit to this plan?

Learn more about Kim Avery and her Marketing Momentum Program to help Christian coaches succeed here:

Click here to download the transcript of “Kim Avery on 10 Steps to a Business Plan that Succeeds.”

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