Kim Avery Coaching

Out of Your Comfort Zone – Marketing Game ~ Day 13

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My favorite place to be is smack-dab in the middle of my comfort zone. From there I can set appropriate expectations, control the controllables, and pretty much predict the outcome.

It’s satisfying to know I can put a nickel in the slot machine of life and I’ll get a nickel out.

Out of Your Comfort Zone

In other words, life seems easier when I can live it in my own strength.

Living outside of my comfort zone, that’s a scary place. It requires skills, talent, and knowledge that I don’t have. Everything feels out of control, and who knows how it will all turn out?

That’s where God wants me to live. He want you there, too.

It’s called faith. Following Him to an unknown place, at an unknown pace with no visible provision along the way.

Building our own coaching businesses demands living outside of our comfort zones.

We can’t do this in our own strength, with our own wisdom.

There are no guaranteed results.

But what we have is better… we have God!

Thanks for joining me in this faith journey.

Don’t forget to post your daily marketing activity in the comment section below.


  1. Jeanette Engel

    This is so true. I am certified in Brené Brown’s Daring Way™ program and the main point is that vulnerability is not weakness – it is actually courage and leads to more love, joy, belonging, connection but it takes putting yourself out there. I am taking the faith journey. Still trying to fill my small group coaching program and sent an email out to my list last night through MailChimp. Realize I need to change my freebie and get more on my Email List. One marketing task leads to another. I also realized I follow God’s lead too. In the Fall I ended up with two full coaching groups when I only planned for one and not sure what will happen this time – just following His lead!

    • Kim Avery

      I’m glad you are hanging in there with your group. I’ll join you in praying that God will bring just the right people!

  2. MaryLou Caskey

    Oh boy, I have been living there and there’s nothing like it.. thanks.

    • Kim Avery

      So glad you are actively on a life-changing journey with God. It’s a wild ride :).

  3. Deborah Haddix

    Your words about “Comfort Zones” are so true! As I find myself spending more and more time outside my comfort zone (where I used to truly experience panic attacks), I have chosen to view it as a great adventure. This helps…most of the time:-)

    This morning I spent some time in prayer for my business, the working session I hope to enjoy for most of this day, my contacts, colleagues, and prospects.

    • Kim Avery

      I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds it scary to live outside my comfort zone :). It’s fun to have company on the journey.

  4. Nancy Bentz

    Thank you for another encouraging, truth-filled post, Kim. I could write a book about God’s provision – in His time (never late), in His way (surprise!), outside of the comfort zone (‘really? You want me to do what?’) – these past three years. And still walking by faith. Today I have an intake session with a new client. I didn’t go looking; they were brought to me. I love working for the best Employer ever!

    • Kim Avery

      Woohoo! I hope you have a great time with your new client. God is faithful!

  5. Kerry

    This is very timely. My blog post this week was about stepping out of my comfort zone and having fun doing something I’m not good at. None of this marketing is inside my comfort zone, but it is getting a little easier as I do it. And yesterday I quoted my fees confidently to an prospective client! It felt good and was received well, to my surprise. This has been a challenge for me, especially since being in ministry for so many years where I do things for free. I have stepped out of my comfort zone as God has directed to be obedient to Him. It’s not been easy. But it is way better than the alternative!

    • Kim Avery

      That is a HUGE win. Kudos.

  6. Laurie

    I’m reading Brené Brown’s books and hoping that will help me as I choose to put myself out there and outside my comfort zone. Of course, God is my greatest source of strength for this and that’s where I start. Today I worked on my LinkeIn profile during my newly scheduled writing time.

    • Kim Avery

      Love that you have a newly scheduled writing time! No doubt, stepping outside your comfort zone with your writing is in your near future :).

  7. Pat Schuler

    Kim, I was teaching a class on how growth begins at the edge of the comfort zone (catchy idea) and I was inviting clients to share an example of when this was true in their life or business. One client said, “I’ve been outside my comfort zone for so long, I can’t remember what it looks like!” Everyone laughed with her. She’s also grown her business by 3-4 x in the last three years.

    For us, the perfect example was the decision to move to Ecuador. Every single step was a move forward based on faith. We did the research, yes. We also knew no Spanish when we landed. But every step of the way, God cleared the obstacles and presented a clear path for us. It was not without challenges and I admit there were moments of raw fear. Were we crazy? Were we serious about this insanity?

    It has proven to be one of the very best decisions of our lives in ways too numerous to catalog. We wake up every day awash in gratitude and thankfulness. Thanks for letting me share this story.

    • Kim Avery

      I LOVE that story, Pat. Thank you for taking the time to share it. Very inspiring.

  8. Gaëtane Lenain

    Today I wrote the content of the home page for my future website.
    Funny that your blogs topic for today is the comfort zone: I wanted to write an article just about that! So inspiring! Thank you so much Kim!

    • Kim Avery

      It sounds like there is a theme going on in your life 🙂

  9. Cindy Taylor

    God is the leader…if He leads us to something, He will equip us too!! So thankful for that truth!
    Today I pulled together some graphics and scheduled them on my page. I am also in the planning stages of a video series to promote my book…now THAT is outside my comfort zone!!

    • Kim Avery

      Good for you for making the videos anyway. I’m sure they’ll be great.

  10. Jill

    Thanks for your post Kim. Yes indeed, we have God!

    Today I was on a practicum call listening to others coach and practiced giving them constructive feedback as part of my training. We learn so much from one another. I did meet with a friend and used my coaching skills to help her with a problem. I worked on the speaking program that you offer Kim and learned some great new things. Thank you! 🙂

    • Kim Avery

      Yay, Jill. It sounds like a terrific day!

  11. Linda Goldfarb

    Mid-life change is never easy – well beyond comfort zone easiness – yet here I am… fully relying on God!

    Found a good parenting topic from my radio podcasts and posted on Google+ – I have many of those to recycle – this was a good start.

    • Kim Avery

      I’m right there with you, Linda, and I’m sooo glad that God will be faithful.

  12. Rayna

    Thanks you, Kim! It is a blessing to walk this journey with you!
    My activity of the day is having a great coaching call with you today. Planning some trigger events to plan my year around gives me courage to step out and do what God has called me to. I applied to be a part of Michele’s book launch, I am praying that though I do not have a large fallowing she will allow me to be a part of her launch team.

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Rayna, It was great talking with you today, and I’m praying that God will continue to give you wisdom as you faithfully love and serve in His name.

  13. Marcia

    Worked for several hours on survey monkey, still not satisfied.

    • Kim Avery

      Sorry about that. Those things can be frustrating :(.

  14. Chuck Taylor

    Met with a local counselor to see how we could partner. Hoping he will refer clients to me for coaching and I will refer clients to him for counseling when needed. It was a good relationship building meeting!

    • Kim Avery

      This sounds like a good relationship for both of you. I’m so glad you met together.

  15. Monique Amado

    I forgot to post on here for this day of marketing, but I did so my 5MM: I shared a link on my fb page for people to contact me for coaching through a site called NOOMI.

  16. Jim Hamilton

    Hi Kim,

    My activity for today was to tweak my 30-second elevator speech.