Kim Avery Coaching

God Uses Unlikely People

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How did I get here? I mean that literally, how in the world did I end up in this place?

I. Don’t. Know.

While most of the world has grand goals, beautiful vision boards, and clear paths laid out for the year ahead, I’m holding those things more loosely these days.

Don’t misunderstand me, I love planning & goal-setting and am a firm believer in it, but I’m also realizing that God’s beautiful paths rarely resemble the straight lines that I’ve ambitiously planned and drawn.

Which brings me to a curious question that I’m pondering today.

How did I get to this particular place in time where this prayer flunk-out is now hosting a 31 Day Prayer Challenge and about to launch a book on… wait for it… prayer in business – gasp!

Truly, this is crazy (and clear evidence that God does have a divine sense of humor.) After all,

 I never wanted to write a book (truthfully, I don’t like to write and I am the world’s slowest writer.)
 I was terrible at praying for my business because my head was swimming with false beliefs (I’m too busy to pray, I’ll get to it later, I’m too distracted, God doesn’t care about profit, and sooooo many more.)

But here I am.
 A soon-to-be-published writer (who is starting to love writing and is actually getting a little faster at it 🙌)
 Addicted to prayer and happy to bring my messed up little self to each and every conversation with God.

Why am I sharing this?

Looking on outside of other people’s lives, it’s easy to assume that they got where they are on a super-highway of gutting-it-out-goals and forget, that like all of us, they too have taken a winding, up-and-down, high and low, joyous and sorrowful, often delayed, but totally, grace-filled path.

Today, I’m planning to retrace my path and God’s footprints to try to see how He led me here. (I really don’t know!) And, if I learn anything interesting, I’ll be sure to share.

But in the meantime, may I encourage you today to enjoy being where you are.

God has the future firmly in control, and He has great plans for YOU!