Kim Avery Coaching

I Finally Discovered THE Secret to Coaching Success!

by | 12 comments

I know what you are thinking. I’ve had those thoughts, too.

  • Do I have what it takes to build a coaching business?
  • Is there really a market for Christian coaching?
  • Will I ever get this business up and running?


Good questions. And for once, I have an answer.

Two weeks ago, I attended the 2012 World Championship Ironman race held in Kona, Hawaii. Don’t be impressed. My own merit did NOT get me there. Instead, I had the privilege of supporting my daughter, Bethany, who qualified for the race.

While watching the amazing athletes swim, bike and run, I discovered the answer to a question that I’ve been puzzling over for years.

What does it take to make a coaching business successful?

Now, don’t misunderstand. I’ve found numerous technical answers to that question. Good answers, such as building a strong network, getting in front of the same people again and again, choosing a defined niche, creating a compelling message, consistently following-up and more.

All of those strategies are important, but the larger question still remains. Why is it that some coaches use those tools and build strong coaching businesses while others doing the very same thing don’t have any clients?

The Light Begins To Dawn

During that 8-20 hour-long race, the answer became increasingly clear.

The race started before dawn as Bethany waded into the ocean for the two-mile swim.

At 8:00 am, she transitioned to her bike for the 112-mile ride.

3:00 pm was the approximate time for her marathon run to begin. I found an empty street corner and waited to cheer her on.

I waited. And waited. And waited.

One hour after her expected arrival time, she still hadn’t come.

My mother-mind went wild. Did she have a flat tire? Was she hit by a car?  Perhaps she’d been hauled away in an ambulance? Or had been abducted by athlete-eating aliens?

An hour late isn’t good.

From Bad to Worse

But I didn’t feel any better when she finally ran by.

I learned that she had gotten sick and had been vomiting off and on throughout the entire swim and bike ride.

That meant no food. No water. No energy. No hydration. Running in the lava-hot Hawaiian sun.

I’ll be honest with you. I wanted to tell her to quit. Come home. Spend the rest of the day at the spa.

After all, to me, it was just a race.

But one look at her determined face, and I ate my words.

Like a good mother, I cheered for her as I briefly jogged alongside.

And like a good mother, I sat down and cried once she had gone past.

The Secret

What she knew that I didn’t was that in any endurance sport athletic ability, experience, training, and even food and water are not the most important things.

She knew the secret of completing a tough race.

The same secret that successful coaches know.

The answer that I learned as I continued to watch…

  • A 68 year-old woman who ran with one good leg and one prosthetic leg.
  • BethAnn Telford, who was 7 years into her battle with brain cancer.
  • Firefighter Rob, who ran the race portion in full fire-fighting gear as a tribute to his and other’s work at Ground Zero following the attacks of 9/11.
  • The 81 year-old man who finished his third Ironman.
  • The wheel chair athletes with no legs, who bravely rolled across the finish line.


wheelchair athletes

These athletes, just like successful coaches, trained, worked hard and used the best strategies available.

But that’s not why their stories ended well.

For triathlons and for business building the difference between victory and defeat, starting and finishing, fulfilling your calling and dropping out can be stated in one word.


What Winners Know

Each successful Ironman finisher and each coach with a business full of clients, decided at the beginning of their journey that no matter what was needed, no matter how long it took, no matter what others said, and no matter how many setbacks they experienced, they were committed.

With God’s help, they would finish what they began. It may not be in the time frame they desired, in the way they planned, or with the exact results they anticipated, but it would get done.

On October 12th, at the Kona Ironman World Championships, I had the privilege of watching my gutsy daughter finish her race. It wasn’t easy. It took longer than she desired. Many things didn’t go her way. But she finished. And she finished for one reason and only one reason…


Before the sun came up that day, before she put her toe in the water to begin mile one the outcome was sure. Why? Because she had decided that no matter what she was going to finish.

How About You?

Did God call you to become a Christian Coach?

Then you can do it.

Did God give you gifts to use in His overarching plan to save the world?

Then you can do it.

Has He promised to provide for you as you obey His will?

Then you can do it.

Step out in faith. Learn something new. Find the tools you need. Get up each time you fall. Speak. Write. Network. Blog.

But above all else… Commit.

Once you do, God will use you to change the world.

Bethany & John Rutledge. She finished!



  1. Patti

    I SOOOOOOOO appreciate this blog post. I am in awe of Bethany and the others who completed the race with so many personal challenges that could have stopped them in their tracks, or could have kept them from even trying in the first place. I’m committed!

    • Kim Avery

      Woohoo, Patti. Love reading those words that you ARE committed. Good for you. God will honor that!

  2. Pam Taylor

    Yes…I’m committed to finish the race I started…with God’s help! And to keep my eyes on the goal. And to honor the Lord in all I do. Thanks for this blog post. The specific illustrations you gave of your daughter and others are powerful and inspiring! I signed up for the webinar. Can’t wait! YAY!

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Pam,

      It’s good to hear you express your commitment. I’m loving watching your journey.

  3. kinsey

    Love it Kim. Good for the heart kind of message. Thank you for sharing.

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Kinsey – It does take ‘heart’ as well as our ‘head’ to go the distance in this race, doesn’t it? Good point.

  4. Cheryl Cope

    Commitment or another way to say it—not giving up! Thanks for the encouragement to keep on going!

    • Kim Avery

      Exactly. Never, ever, ever give up! If God is in it – it will succeed!

  5. Summer Alexander

    Kim thank you so much for sharing this and congratulations to your daughter! This was one of the most important lessons I’ve learned this year. It was only when I dropped the notion of giving up that doors started to open for me- big time.

    • Kim Avery

      Interesting, Summer. Thanks for sharing that. I’d love to hear more sometime, but in the meantime, keep up the great work.

  6. Antiqua

    Yes yes yes I al finishing this race and also learning how to trust my training hours as well. Pacing myself and not allowing the bumps in the road bog me down has been trying but with Gods grace His will will be done. Another great blog and more food for thought!!

    • Kim Avery

      You have a GREAT attitude, Antiqua. I can tell that you are going to go far :).