Kim Avery Coaching

Your Marketing Strategies

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If we want to attract clients, we can’t be the best-kept secret in town.

Thus, our key marketing goal is to be continually meeting new people so they can become aware of who we are and what we do. We do that through avenues such as:

  • Social Media
  • Direct Contact
  • Networking
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • and more

Take a second and look back at that list above. What avenue got your attention?

If you are like me, you zoomed in on the one you would loath the most and assumed that is what you should be doing.

But is it?

When you think about marketing, what if you could be… ?

  • happier
  • more confident
  • have more energy
  • experience less stress
  • be much more likely to achieve your goals

Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Marketing might even be fun.

Research shows that is exactly what happens when people operate in their areas of strength.

Unfortunately, I did just the opposite.

About 5 years ago, everyone was jumping on the Twitter bandwagon. It was THE thing to do. So, I did it.

I opened a Twitter account, learned the ropes and tweeted my little heart out.

To keep up with the fast pace of Twitter, I found myself checking in 4-6 times every day. This constant back and forth robbed me of the precious margin I’d scheduled between clients and completely sucked my energy dry. In short, I hated every minute of it.

It’s not going to surprise you when I say that I got exactly ZERO clients from that year of hard tweeting.

I had completely forgotten what I teach others all the time, the value of living a strengths-based life.

Years ago Gallop organization did some fascinating research documenting that every person has about 5 unique strengths that endure over time and a variety of situations.

Interestingly, instead of playing to these strengths, Gallop discovered that most people and organizations focus almost exclusively on their weaknesses:

  • pointing them out
  • regretting them
  • trying to remediate them

But in spite of all their efforts, these corporations continued to slog along in mediocrity.

It’s not that you and I can’t incrementally improve in even our weakest areas, but research shows that when we try a different approach, we get different results.

And 20% of the organizations that Gallop studied were doing just that. They were strengths focused, helping people discover what they are good at and then putting them in a place where they can just have at it.

Maximize their strengths and as much as possible, delegate their weaknesses.

And these organizations were successful, wildly successful.

As coaches wanting clients, we need to let people know what we do and how we can help them. We will spend a lot of time doing this. Why not enjoy it?

The key to successful marketing is to choose strengths-based strategies so that you’ll do them well and will be able to sustain them over the long-haul.

It’s Your Turn

What is your strength in marketing?



  1. Mary Lou Caskey

    I love connecting with others. I find that Facebook is a great vehicle for this for me.

    • Anita Schamber

      I have done speaking frequently in the past and have 4 monthly invitations to speak or do workshops this year. I have acquired coachees through conference speaking and retreats. I also used to publish and will begin writing again – various forms. I have a blogsite with oneLifemaps, but have not written for awhile. Social media is the area I am using poorly. I have gained one coachee from Linked In, but need to send out consistent messages on a regular basis. I am also emphasizing local contacts and ops through the Chamber of Commerce and workshops in our town.

  2. Mary Lou Caskey

    I love connecting with others. I find that Facebook is a great vehicle for this for me.

    • Anita Schamber

      I have done speaking frequently in the past and have 4 monthly invitations to speak or do workshops this year. I have acquired coachees through conference speaking and retreats. I also used to publish and will begin writing again – various forms. I have a blogsite with oneLifemaps, but have not written for awhile. Social media is the area I am using poorly. I have gained one coachee from Linked In, but need to send out consistent messages on a regular basis. I am also emphasizing local contacts and ops through the Chamber of Commerce and workshops in our town.

  3. Shelly S. Cantrell

    While I’m not sure it’s my “marketing strength” per se, I recently found out, through an anonymous assessment with feedback from various people, that one of my leadership competencies is inspiration. I had never considered myself as inspiring before but it seems others see me that way. So, what if I focus on inspiring people through marketing? I’m praying about how to do that but would welcome any feedback as well.

    Today, I’m going to seek to inspire at least 1 person through marketing efforts.

  4. Shelly S. Cantrell

    While I’m not sure it’s my “marketing strength” per se, I recently found out, through an anonymous assessment with feedback from various people, that one of my leadership competencies is inspiration. I had never considered myself as inspiring before but it seems others see me that way. So, what if I focus on inspiring people through marketing? I’m praying about how to do that but would welcome any feedback as well.

    Today, I’m going to seek to inspire at least 1 person through marketing efforts.

  5. Carolon Donnelly

    Face to face interactions are my area of strength. I can communicate my passion better that way.

  6. Carolon Donnelly

    Face to face interactions are my area of strength. I can communicate my passion better that way.

  7. Wesley Wiley

    I like forming relationships with other bloggers, that helps get traction with the blog but may or may not qualify as marketing. I enjoy speaking, but it scares me at the same time. My strengths would probably be communicating through writing and speaking.

  8. Wesley Wiley

    I like forming relationships with other bloggers, that helps get traction with the blog but may or may not qualify as marketing. I enjoy speaking, but it scares me at the same time. My strengths would probably be communicating through writing and speaking.

  9. Pam Taylor

    Maximize their strengths and as much as possible, delegate their weaknesses.

    My greatest strength is encouragement. The world is full of people that DIScourage. So, I find there is an “empty hole” in people that needs a cup of encouragement poured into it. And my favorite way to do it is to observe others’ strengths and encourage them to embrace them, rather than focusing on their weaknesses. One way I do that is through various assessments (strengths, worship styles, spiritual gifts). I do that through virtual small groups, through FB, and also face-to-face. It is amazing how many people I run into at the local coffee shop (good excuse, huh? LOVE that place!!!)

  10. Pam Taylor

    Maximize their strengths and as much as possible, delegate their weaknesses.

    My greatest strength is encouragement. The world is full of people that DIScourage. So, I find there is an “empty hole” in people that needs a cup of encouragement poured into it. And my favorite way to do it is to observe others’ strengths and encourage them to embrace them, rather than focusing on their weaknesses. One way I do that is through various assessments (strengths, worship styles, spiritual gifts). I do that through virtual small groups, through FB, and also face-to-face. It is amazing how many people I run into at the local coffee shop (good excuse, huh? LOVE that place!!!)

  11. Deborah Haddix

    Kim, I love that you keep giving me things to think about and act on–in bite-sized pieces! Some of my top five themes are achiever, focus, and learner. Mulling this around in my head as I consider marketing. Another strength is teaching. I love when I have opportunity to speak at conferences or seminars or to write.

  12. Deborah Haddix

    Kim, I love that you keep giving me things to think about and act on–in bite-sized pieces! Some of my top five themes are achiever, focus, and learner. Mulling this around in my head as I consider marketing. Another strength is teaching. I love when I have opportunity to speak at conferences or seminars or to write.

  13. Lori Good

    I’m not really sure what my strength is at this point. Being a shy person I realy prefer to stay in the background. Starting a coaching business is really moving me out of my comfort zone and stretching me in many different areas of life.

  14. Lori Good

    I’m not really sure what my strength is at this point. Being a shy person I realy prefer to stay in the background. Starting a coaching business is really moving me out of my comfort zone and stretching me in many different areas of life.


    I like all of those things. Lucky me. Smile.


    I like all of those things. Lucky me. Smile.

  17. Martha Hedge

    Strengths are speaking, writing, teaching, encouraging, getting to the bottom line.
    Had meeting this morning to begin planning marketing and business strategy for 2014. Your questions are great!

  18. Martha Hedge

    Strengths are speaking, writing, teaching, encouraging, getting to the bottom line.
    Had meeting this morning to begin planning marketing and business strategy for 2014. Your questions are great!

  19. Michelle

    One of my strengths is “Relator” — I love building relationships, which is one reason I so enjoy networking to build my business!

  20. Michelle

    One of my strengths is “Relator” — I love building relationships, which is one reason I so enjoy networking to build my business!

  21. Cheryl

    My strengths are writing, networking and speaking. I truly enjoy encouraging others! Today I spent time researching where to find my market niche and refining topics of interest for workshops and articles.

  22. Cheryl

    My strengths are writing, networking and speaking. I truly enjoy encouraging others! Today I spent time researching where to find my market niche and refining topics of interest for workshops and articles.

  23. Marcia Albrecht

    Mine is definitely encouragement and inspiration which I feel go together. Also, a passion from sea marriages become what God intended..

  24. Marcia Albrecht

    Mine is definitely encouragement and inspiration which I feel go together. Also, a passion from sea marriages become what God intended..

  25. Bev

    On our team, each person took the test and then I compiled each of our top 5. What a team-building fun discussion we had to appreciate each one of our strengths, our differences, and see how the body of Christ works together!

  26. Bev

    On our team, each person took the test and then I compiled each of our top 5. What a team-building fun discussion we had to appreciate each one of our strengths, our differences, and see how the body of Christ works together!