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I Didn’t Know That! Poking Around in WordPress

I Didn’t Know That! Poking Around in WordPress
WordPress really is amazing. But if you are new to it, or are still finding your way around in it, here are some things you might not have known. The Kitchen Sink If you ever log into WordPress and only have one row of editing icons in your page or post editing area,...

What Is a WordPress Theme?

What Is a WordPress Theme?
Suppose you are getting ready to build a new house. You face a million decisions before you can move in. How many bedrooms and baths? What is the floor plan? Where will you put the electrical outlets? And don’t even get me started on choosing styles and colors and...

What IS a Widget, Anyway? And What is a Plugin?

What IS a Widget, Anyway? And What is a Plugin?
Have you ever wondered, “What IS a Widget, anyway?” if you’ve taken any business classes, you’ve no doubt heard the word tossed around. It is widely used as a generic term for units of something that is manufactured. In WordPress, however, it is a real thing, and that...

Inside WordPress: Tags and Categories

Inside WordPress: Tags and Categories
WordPress Tags and Categories are functions that are built into the structure of your blog to help you and your readers get a good idea of the structure of your content. WordPress Categories are the broad brush strokes that define your content. So, for example, a...