Kim Avery Coaching

Why the Goal of Marketing is NOT to Get Clients

by | 40 comments

Marketing has changed. For the better.

So, if you still think the goal of your marketing is to get clients, it may be time to try something new.

What would it be like if you could hang out all day, every day, with people you enjoy. Those who share a common passion. Fans who listened to everything you said and then passed that message onto others.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? That’s the power of having a tribe.


During a long plane flight this past week, I downloaded and reread Seth Godin’s landmark book, Tribes: We Need You To Lead Us.

This book is a must-read for every coach and every entrepreneur. However, if like most entrepreneurs, you are too busy to read it right now, let me summarize the “must know” information using Godin’s own words (in italics.)

What Is A Tribe?

What is a tribe?  A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.

Caring is the key emotion at the center of the tribe. Tribe members care what happens, to their goals and to one another.

You don’t have to dream up the next, best great thing to start a tribe.

Make Things Happen

It isn’t about having a great idea (it almost never is). The great ideas are out there, for free, on your neighborhood blog. Nope, this is about taking initiative and making things happen.

It will be up to you to make things happen. Good tribes don’t come about organically. They are the result of good leadership.

The skeptical among us look at the idea of leadership and we hesitate. We hesitate because it feels like something we need to be ordained to do. That without authority, we can’t lead.

Does the idea of leadership make you nervous? Hesitant? Convinced that this isn’t possible? Sure that this kind of leadership is for somebody else?

The first thing you need to know is that individuals have far more power than ever before in history.

The second thing you need to know is that the only thing holding you back from becoming the kind of person who changes things is this: lack of faith. Faith that you can do it. Faith that it’s worth doing. Faith that failure won’t destroy you.

You Are A Leader

The truth is that you are already a leader. Everyone who cares about change is a leader.

(Intentional) leadership is about creating change that you believe in.

Why is this important?

People yearn for change, they relish being part of a movement, and they talk about things that are remarkable.

What does this mean for the Christian coach or entrepreneur? Your clients are out there. They may not know they need a coach, but they know they need change.

Paint the Future

The secret of leadership is simple: Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow.

When you create the change you believe in, when you become the change you believe in, people will join you. They will sign-up for your newsletter, read your blog, tweet your message, like your business page and best of all, engage your services.

The tribe you assemble will be a pool of warm, interested, friendly prospects just waiting for the right moment to do business with you.  And as they wait, they will spread the word about what you have created. And as you lead well, your tribe will grow in number, in quality, in visibility and in credibility.

A tribe is your volunteer marketing team.

Don’t Sell. Engage.

Marketing used to be about advertising, and advertising is expensive. Today, marketing is about engaging with the tribe and delivering products and services with stories that spread.

Be warned: tribe building isn’t quick and easy. But it’s relational, authentic, self-replicating and long lasting.

Part of leadership (a big part of it, actually) is the ability to stick with the dream for a long time. Long enough that the critics realize that you’re going to get there one way or another… so they follow.

Don’t settle for finding a client here and a client there, always swimming upstream or starting from the ground up.

Articulate your passion. Gather like-minded people. Tap into the power of tribes. The goal of marketing is not to get a client. It’s to build a tribe.

Once you have your tribe, the clients naturally come.

Why Not Start Today

I join Seth Godin in issuing this challenge:

One person – okay, what I really mean is you, has everything. Everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself. The people around you realize this, and they are ready to follow if you’re ready to lead.

Does this idea intrigue you? Then you may want to download the whole book and read it. But don’t wait.

Waiting doesn’t pay. Saying yes does.


  1. Kimberly | New Spark Coaching

    I LOVE this! Especially as I launch my coaching practice. I am consistently reminding myself that my purpose is NOT to sell . . . my purpose is to CONNECT! That’s why I want to be a coach in the first place : )

    • Kim Avery

      Absolutely! It’s a wonderful calling, isn’t it?

  2. Kimberly | New Spark Coaching

    I LOVE this! Especially as I launch my coaching practice. I am consistently reminding myself that my purpose is NOT to sell . . . my purpose is to CONNECT! That’s why I want to be a coach in the first place : )

    • Kim Avery

      Absolutely! It’s a wonderful calling, isn’t it?

    • Kim Avery


    • Kim Avery


  3. Lois Ridley

    This is intriguing. Tribe building sounds a lot more appealing. It does sound like quite a task…but definitely doable…and SMART. It reminds me of those advertising days I had b.c. (before children) Our sales force desired to serve and build relationship first. Then trust. Then sales followed. Is that similar?

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Lois – I have to agree. It makes so much more sense to focus on gathering a community of like-minded people and enjoying them then it does to keep shouting our message into the vast Internet world hoping that someone will hear.

  4. Lois Ridley

    This is intriguing. Tribe building sounds a lot more appealing. It does sound like quite a task…but definitely doable…and SMART. It reminds me of those advertising days I had b.c. (before children) Our sales force desired to serve and build relationship first. Then trust. Then sales followed. Is that similar?

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Lois – I have to agree. It makes so much more sense to focus on gathering a community of like-minded people and enjoying them then it does to keep shouting our message into the vast Internet world hoping that someone will hear.

  5. Kinsey

    I’m very intrigued and have another book to read now. Thanks Kim!

    • Kim Avery

      I hope you enjoy it, Kinsey. You’ll have to let me know what you think.

  6. Kinsey

    I’m very intrigued and have another book to read now. Thanks Kim!

    • Kim Avery

      I hope you enjoy it, Kinsey. You’ll have to let me know what you think.

  7. Summer Alexander

    Thanks for sharing Kim! This sounds like a definite must read. Having the opportunity to surround myself with a tribe of like-minded people is exactly why I went into business for myself. Connecting feels so much better than selling.

  8. Summer Alexander

    Thanks for sharing Kim! This sounds like a definite must read. Having the opportunity to surround myself with a tribe of like-minded people is exactly why I went into business for myself. Connecting feels so much better than selling.

  9. Teri A Bailey

    Waiting doesn’t pay. Saying yes does. Hmmm…I am an analyzer. Sometimes to the point of not making a decision and moving forward. I have learned in the coaching process not to be concerned about the size of the pool, the temperature of the water, which lane is mine, but to just dive in! I’ll add Seth Godin’s book to my reading list!

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Teri – It’s tough to strike the balance between planning and moving ahead, isn’t it? It sounds like you’ll be jumping in the water soon. Yay!

  10. Teri A Bailey

    Waiting doesn’t pay. Saying yes does. Hmmm…I am an analyzer. Sometimes to the point of not making a decision and moving forward. I have learned in the coaching process not to be concerned about the size of the pool, the temperature of the water, which lane is mine, but to just dive in! I’ll add Seth Godin’s book to my reading list!

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Teri – It’s tough to strike the balance between planning and moving ahead, isn’t it? It sounds like you’ll be jumping in the water soon. Yay!

  11. Cheryl Cope

    This was a great reminder. Thank you for emphasizing Seth’s book. I love books and like to know which ones are actually worth buying and reading. I will get this one.

  12. Cheryl Cope

    This was a great reminder. Thank you for emphasizing Seth’s book. I love books and like to know which ones are actually worth buying and reading. I will get this one.

  13. Cheryl Thomas

    What a great review. I love the highlights you included. This book will certainly be added to my list of must haves! Thanks for always sharing so much with us!

    • Kim Avery

      I hope you enjoy it, Cheryl.

  14. Cheryl Thomas

    What a great review. I love the highlights you included. This book will certainly be added to my list of must haves! Thanks for always sharing so much with us!

    • Kim Avery

      I hope you enjoy it, Cheryl.

  15. Martha Cook

    I just got this book in the mail today, which was supposed to go in my stocking, but I am definitely going to sneak it out now and read it asap! Thanks for your insight…love that caring is the center, not the purpose.

    • Kim Avery

      Great idea. I wonder if I can get my stocking presents early, too?

  16. Martha Cook

    I just got this book in the mail today, which was supposed to go in my stocking, but I am definitely going to sneak it out now and read it asap! Thanks for your insight…love that caring is the center, not the purpose.

    • Kim Avery

      Great idea. I wonder if I can get my stocking presents early, too?

  17. Pam Taylor

    So glad you wrote this post with a new “twist” to Tribe building. It feels more natural the way you present it here, Kim. Always before when I read about it, it felt more forced somehow. So thank you for simplifying yet another thing for me! 🙂

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Pam, I have to agree. When we try to serve others with any selfish motive – even if it’s building our tribe to increase our reach – it comes across as artificial. Like you, I believe we need to love and serve others from the bottom of our hearts and then leave the results to God.

  18. Pam Taylor

    So glad you wrote this post with a new “twist” to Tribe building. It feels more natural the way you present it here, Kim. Always before when I read about it, it felt more forced somehow. So thank you for simplifying yet another thing for me! 🙂

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Pam, I have to agree. When we try to serve others with any selfish motive – even if it’s building our tribe to increase our reach – it comes across as artificial. Like you, I believe we need to love and serve others from the bottom of our hearts and then leave the results to God.

  19. Charlena Ortiz

    Hi Kim! Thanks for the insights. When I attended a entrepreneur conference about a month ago the reoccurring theme was people referring back to Seth Godin and the importance of building a tribe. Thanks for the reminder. I am defiantly going to put his book at the top of my reading list.

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Charlena – Seth Godin is a wonderful thought leader. I hope you enjoy the book.

  20. Charlena Ortiz

    Hi Kim! Thanks for the insights. When I attended a entrepreneur conference about a month ago the reoccurring theme was people referring back to Seth Godin and the importance of building a tribe. Thanks for the reminder. I am defiantly going to put his book at the top of my reading list.

    • Kim Avery

      Hi Charlena – Seth Godin is a wonderful thought leader. I hope you enjoy the book.