Gifts for You

Practice the Presence of God:
50+ Way to Enjoy God All Day

Life is busy. In fact, it’s often so busy that we forget to enjoy the very One for whom we were created. Thankfully, we don’t have to stop working to enjoy time with God, but instead, we can learn to fellowship with God throughout the day, even in the midst of serving Him.

This short guide has over 50 simple ways to help you practice the presence of God throughout your busy workday so that you can draw closer to the God who has already drawn close to you.

The Pace of Grace Newsletter

Monthly, quiet inspiration for your own soul so you can serve others from a full (and overflowing) cup.

Start With Who

God has a vision, purpose, and mission for you. It’s helpful to know what they are and to keep them top of mind.

But even when you do, visible progress on these life goals can often be incredibly slow.

The good news, however, is that this doesn’t mean God isn’t working. He is. In fact, it is during the seemingly stagnant times that God is doing His deepest work, that of shaping us into the image of His beloved Son.

In this powerful exercise, you’ll identify a few of the top character traits God is inviting you to embody in this current season of your life which will allow you to notice His work, encourage your heart, and cooperate more fully as you respond to Him.