Kim Avery Coaching

Transform Your Marketing From the Inside-Out – Marketing Mindsets: Part III

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Would you like marketing to be easier? It can be.

It all starts with you.

When you squeeze a lemon, you get lemon juice. When you squeeze an orange, orange juice squirts out. What is on the inside inevitably shows on the outside. So, if you want different feelings, behaviors and results it’s not enough to just pretty up your outer facade.

Listen to Transform Marketing From the Inside-Out so you can begin to change your marketing mindset today.


  1. Pamela Schoettler

    I didn’t realize how much I let negative lies about advertising affected me. Now I know I can use the power of God’s truth, here, in marketing for coaching as a genuine ministry. God has created and led me to serve in this way, so His positive thought life is just as applicable here as in any other part of my life. God transforms from the inside out and should our marketing strategy.

  2. Pamela Schoettler

    I didn’t realize how much I let negative lies about advertising affected me. Now I know I can use the power of God’s truth, here, in marketing for coaching as a genuine ministry. God has created and led me to serve in this way, so His positive thought life is just as applicable here as in any other part of my life. God transforms from the inside out and should our marketing strategy.